E d u c a t i o n

Hydroponics, the art and science of growing plants in water instead of soil, is more ever-present today as families, schools and communities face disrupted food systems, food insecurities, rising food costs and deteriorating food quality.

Education in hydroponics can be life changing. Creating an interest in growing fresh, sustainable, environmentally friendly plants, vegetables and flowers, anywhere, all year round -- even during inclement weather seasons. Hydroponics provides alternative and affordable healthy food systems for your family and/or communities.Through virtual hands on learning you can develop an urban garden in your community, on your rooftop or balcony or vertically grow herbs and flowering plants in your home.

Gardening can be an effective strategy to improve children’s knowledge of horticulture and increase their vegetable consumption by involving them in the process of planting, growing, harvesting, and preparing vegetables. 5 Mountains hydroponics programscreate opportunities for impacting children’s perspective on healthy eating habits. Repeated positive experiences with vegetables through gardening activity results in gaining knowledge about vegetables and horticulture, thereby increasing vegetable preferences and consumption. School gardening allows children to choose better food and recognize the importance of a healthy diet through their direct experience of growing vegetables. Increased nutrition knowledge and the acquisition of vegetable cultivation skills can improve behavioral capability for vegetable consumption from the point of view of social cognitive theory.